
A quick view of the happenings and adventures at the Alexander house in the OP

Monday, August 21, 2006

Packing & Reunions

We spent our evenings apart much of last week. Too much packing!!! Thursday and Friday evenings were spent ferrying loads of boxes and miscellaneous items that don't fit well in boxes over to the Cullom stronghold. T-minus 5 days and counting. We were going to treat ourselves to a movie in the park (Kicking & Screaming) at nearby Chopin Park, but it was raining, so we declined and watched an X-Files on DVD instead. Yes, this is the exciting life of the Cullom household. Packing and watching DVDs at home. Victoria did get her first mail at the new address. Woohoo...Winner of the prize is: Anna from Portland.

But as the week came to a close, we prepared for the onslaught of the Eckman-Stone family reunion. Yours truly was caught a bit off guard by the sheer numbers in attendance at Aunt Micky's West Chicago abode. Remember, I have just 3 uncles, 3 aunts, and 2 cousins. And that's both sides! Needless to say, when we arrived and Victoria began by saying "I don't know who half these people are," I wondered what I had got myself into. But of course, everyone was super nice. We had great conversations with Grandma Eckman about her travels around the world and with Aunt Micky about her collection of Native American pottery. And of course, cream puffs and rocky road for desert. I stopped counting the cream puffs after my 5th, but I think 10 would be a safe bet. Family photo is attached. After the photo, we released balloons and made a wish. Victoria & I shared a balloon (and, who knows, maybe a wish ;-).

After leaving we headed to TyMo's place where we would stay the night. All four of us crashed in the living room by 10:30 until someone piped up and said "Why don't we go to sleep." Now, if you don't know TyMo, they like to get up early and get things done. And if you don't know V & me, we likes to sleep until the cats are so loud that we have to get up. After finding a happy medium and rising around 8:45, we went on a shopping trip and picked up a guidebook to Spain. That was fun. Shopping was followed by lounging and staying out of the way as Tyler & Monica prepared for the birthday bash, or the Eckman-Stone reunion, part deux. Sunday night left us tired. With one week to go, there are still things to do at both places.

We are gonna have a big rest once the move is done.


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