
A quick view of the happenings and adventures at the Alexander house in the OP

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Idaho Ski Trip

We just visited Patrick's dad in Pocatello. What a great trip! Our rental car was a purple HRH - similiar to a PT Cruiser. Did ZZ Top reserve this car? Did I say it was purple??
We skiied everyday and really enjoyed the snow. We caught an Idaho State Men's Basketball game which was so much fun! It is a small town so there were a ton of local people who really love the team. The arena was smaller so we could see really well.
We were able to rent cheap skis from Idaho State Outdoor club since Dave is on the Faculty there. We cross country skied on the first afternoon in the Mink Creek Wilderness. The views were breathtaking, the hills steap and the air cold. The next day we drove north to the Craters of the Moon National Monument. It was amazingly different - landscape: fields of pumice stone, lava flows with scattered islands of cinder cones and sagebrush. It was nice and flat and a sunny day. We hiked to the top of a cinder cone and there are photos or a tree at the top.
The last day we did some downhill skiing at Pebble Creek, which just a few short miles from Dave's house. We had a great time and as you can tell from the photos we had the place to ourselves. (It was a Monday)
Dave's house is on the hill and has a spectacular view in every direction. We can't wait to go back!

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