
A quick view of the happenings and adventures at the Alexander house in the OP

Friday, March 23, 2007

Wedding Plans and Updates

We are excitedly planning the wedding, and hope to share with you occasional updates here.

For those of you we haven't told, the Ceremony and Reception will be at The Herrington Inn in Geneva. You can visit their website at to see pictures and get a feel for the Inn. We have a small block of rooms reserved there for out of town guests. If you are planning on staying there on either the 1st or the 2nd (or both) please make your reservation as soon as possible so that we can add additional rooms to the block if needed. Their phone number is 630-208-7433.

We also have a block of rooms at a nearby Fairfield Inn.
Their phone is 630-845-5500.

Check back for updates as we continue to plan.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patty's Day


This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called LPBC. Make your own badge

Today I paddled with LPBC (Lincoln Park Boat Club) down to the Michigan Avenue Bridge to watch them dying the CHicago River Green. After putting on layers and layers of hear we headed out. The weather was great and there wasn't too much wind.

Lower Wacker Dirve and the bridges were lined with people.
We had to wait about 25 minutes for the boats to drop the Dye. It looked red but turned the river bright green. It was windy and you could taste the dye in the air. Due to wind they ran short of the dye and had to "run out" for some more.

It was a great day and we had tremendous turn out.

Luck O' the Irish to you